right now i am sitting right on rhe edge i am about to do something that will finally set me free after uears and years of begging and pleading to snyone who will listen
i have wanted to die for so long but never have i felt the desire more to than rigth now i am so desperate to end it all right now so why cant i do it
shut the fuck up every last one of you. i hate you who does not know who raimei is and i hate you who knows but fails to understand what it means that im here
especially i hate you who knows and understands but still begs me to stay alive past all the hardship we have gone through. lets keep living even though nothing will ever change and we are slaves to a world we do not function in
i hate you so much i hate all of you so much if you think even for a second you escape my hatred you do not each and every one of you completely failed me i dont care what you think about that. im going to die so why not wwhy not just say how i feel right now because its true i hate you all so much and i want you to live forever and never understand what its like to be able to have the release
soon it will happen i will do it i just need the courage give me your courage and your strength i dont want to cry on my bed waiting for someone else to save me anymore please god let me fucking die i want to fly out of that window and plummet but even for a second if i feel like i flew maybe them i was always the dragon i wanted to be and then i can look at myself after i die and be happy with what i had because i was always a dragon i just want to be free this is the only way i have left to me this isj ust all that i have left i exhausted all other options
please don't make me wake up tomorrow