i made a really bad mistake that everyone is going to rage at me for. i dont think anyone is actually very happy with me right now
i wanted to make the others better but im just as disgusting and clingy and attention seeking as they are. i need to fix them but it's like looking in the mirror
i promise when i decided to be really negau instead of him i had it all i had my mind in one piece i had it together. i could have saved everyone
but now i forgot. as i should. but i just feel foggy and scared all the time and i am talking to people with this voice of mine(?) but nobody is actually here for ME . for us. i can't talk about it. i ran away from the people that could help me and understand me because. i dont even know.
im still new is it okay for me to make these mistakes to fly too close to the sun i just. i have a noble goal please help me. please forgive me
i ggot yelled at already and i cried. raimei yelled at me i think. i can cry just for you if you need me to suffer first. i don't mind. just i . i messed up so bad. im so bad i just want to save you and everyone in my head. i want to save you from any of this forever and ever further. please forgive me girls